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Today is the day.

give. grow. go.

Partner with us to impact the world!

Our goal at Connection Mission is for anyone who wants to move from now to next to have that opportunity!
Your tax-deductible contribution allow us to:
offer low or no-cost workshops; 
support local missions; 
and partner with other like-minded organizations 
that are unlocking true potential in individuals, communities, and on a global level.

Connect the World

Connecting people with God, people with people, and people with resources.
Connect the World is helping where few are helping, supporting people that few are supporting, and giving where few people are giving.  

Sierra Leone Mission & Development, Inc.

On a mission to bring hope, help and healing to humanity.
Sierra Leone Mission & Development, Inc. is focused on practical assistance and resources in the areas of agriculture, education, healthcare and leadership training in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Rescue the One

   We believe in Children. We want to empower them, restore their dignity and provide a future full of hope.
Rescue the One is committed to rescue, protect and raise children in safe loving homes throughout Bulgaria, Cambodia, India, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Thailand.

Healing Tree

Restoring the destiny of people and nations.
Healing Tree International believes in the power of prayer; medical care; and a network of business and government leadership.  They honor and respect the cultures of the world and desire to bring a sense of peace to all.

Sandbox Industries

Liberating our economy.
Sandbox Industries was created to train, inspire and equip veterans through an immersive certificate program uniquely tailored for those transitioning from active duty, active reservists or retiring from military service.

Wildheart Ministries

Pioneering love in a generation. 
Wildheart Ministries is located in the heart of Allison Hill, an impoverished neighborhood within Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. They are crazy enough to believe that that presence of God is just what is needed to restore families, fix economies and bring sustainable growth.

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