Find your inner Indy
If you work in marketing or media, you may often feel like the famed Indiana Jones. Not that we are being chased by rolling boulders or dropped into a snake pit, but we are on a quest just like good old Indy. Searching for the ‘holy grail’ of measurement success, the perfect mix of marketing art and science.
We can all agree the measurement rules have changed over the past few years. Innovation and big data have created the ability to target, measure and analyze dozens of consumer touchpoints. The importance of a clearly defined and articulated marketing strategy has never been more vital. It’s easy to become distracted when new options appear seemingly on a weekly basis but establishing key performance indicators and clear expectations fosters powerful collaboration. That intentional communication can help drive your success with advertising partners by avoiding confusion and focusing on metrics that best achieve your goals.
Five tips to help you prepare for your exciting measurement crusade.
- BALANCE. Avoid dashboard tunnel vision. Computer learning and analytics provide tangible insights, but marketing ultimately remains rooted in human behavior. Combining the SCIENCE of modern marketing models with the ART of activation lends diversity to your measurement matrix.
- KNOW THE WHY. Determine the reason for each marketing tactic and set key performance indicators within a defined time period for each one. Isn’t the goal of every marketer to discover the perfect formula of engagement and ROI while not overspending? Creating a simple framework detailing 30-60-90 day strategic actions will help clarify success.
- PATIENCE. Set realistic timelines to evaluate new tactics and budget accordingly. Certain engagements require time to build momentum while others may produce immediate results and level out over time. Seek a fresh perspective on final test results to avoid blind spots. Don’t be afraid to pivot away after a thorough assessment if results aren’t trending in the right direction.
- INTEGRATION. Understand how traditional media and digital media work together. Utilizing effective messaging and driving engagement to trackable platforms requires optimization. Connecting to your audience with complimentary delivery methods can amplify results in a cost-effective way. Attributing this lift accurately can be a challenge so it’s recommended you weight some actions accordingly.
- VALUE THE QUALITATIVE. Diving into reports, dashboards and statistics is valuable but there is something deep and meaningful about human interaction. Connect with customers in person, taking time to listen and respond with a more complete understanding. This additional step will fine tune your approach and help align your overall strategy.
Media fragmentation continues to develop at an unprecedented rate. Creating a measurement model that works for your organization will require intentional focus and constant evaluation. In his quest for the holy grail, Indy was told, “Choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.” The adventure has just begun!